Data Dashboard Table of Contents
Interim Housing and Services include Coordinated Entry, Emergency Shelter, Homeless Prevention, Safe Haven, Street Outreach, Transitional Housing, and certain Services Only projects.
Source: HUD Annual Performance Report: Q7a, Q8a.
Unsheltered Homelessness
Unsheltered homelessness is defined as an individual or family with a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train stations, airport, or camping ground.
Source: Alameda County Point in Time Count (PIT). 2017, 2019, 2022.
People Who Gained Housing
Number of persons who exited to positive housing destinations as well as number of persons who moved into housing within the homelessness response system (without a program exit)
Sources: HUD Annual Performance Report: Q23c. (Exit Destination; Total persons exiting to positive housing destinations); Custom HMIS Report: Enrollments in Permanent Housing projects during the FY with move-in dates that do not appear in the APR Exits to Positive Housing report.
First Time Homelessness
People who entered Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, Transitional Housing, and Permanent Housing HMIS projects during the reporting year who were not active in any shelter or housing projects within 24 months prior to their project enrollment date.
Source: HUD System Performance Measures, Measure 5: Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time, Metric 5.2: Clients entering Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, Transitional Housing, and Permanent Housing.
Returns to Homelessness
People who have previously exited homelessness into housing, and have returned to homelessness within 2 years.
Source: HUD System Performance Measures, Measures 2a and 2b (number and percentage of persons who exit homelessness to permanent housing destinations and then return to homelessness within 2 years).
Length of Time Homeless
The average length of homelessness is calculated for individuals actively engaged in Emergency Shelter, Save Haven, and Transitional Housing programs as reported in HMIS during the reporting year. This measure encompasses the duration of homelessness both within the reporting period and prior to the start date of the report.
Source: HUD System Performance Measures, Measure 1a: Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless (Average LOT Homeless).
Recurring vs. Nonrecurring Funds for System Programs, FY21–22
Proportion of ongoing operational funding vs. one-time or short-term awards without guarantee of continuation or renewal.
Source: Alameda County and Cities within Alameda County.
Distribution of Funding Sources
Source: Alameda County and Cities within Alameda County.