If you are looking for housing or services, please call 2-1-1.
211 Connects Bay Area residents with health and human service programs in their local community. Resources include:- Basic Needs – Food, clothing, rent assistance, emergency shelter
- Physical and Mental health – Crisis intervention, counseling, children’s health insurance
- Employment Assistance -Job search help, unemployment benefits, education programs
- Seniors Support – Adult Day Care, meals, transportation
- Volunteer Opportunities, Disaster Recovery, Free Tax Prep, Holiday Help, Summer Lunch Programs
Learn more >>
Alameda County Housing Resource Center (HRC) Access Points
Housing Resource Centers provide housing problem solving services and other coordinated entry services to people who are experiencing homelessness in Alameda County.
Click here to find a Housing Resource Center in your area.
If you are fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking:
- Call 911 if you are in immediate danger
- Call 211 or the hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) for services, shelter and housing information
Coordinated Entry
The Coordinated Entry process is an approach to coordination and management of the crisis response system’s resources that allows users to make equity consistent decisions from available information to connect people efficiently and effectively to interventions that will end their homelessness. The Coordinated Entry System is used to connect residents experiencing homelessness to resources in our county’s homeless system.Learn more >>
Housing Community Supports
OHCC Housing Services partners with community-based homeless and housing service providers to implement Housing Community Supports. Funded through California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), Housing Community Supports provides services to over 1,800 of Alameda County’s most vulnerable homeless and formerly homeless households, and aims to serve over 3,500 households by 2023.Learn more >>
Youth Services
OHCC’s Youth Services Response coordinates efforts to develop and manage a system and programs that support youth and young adults in Alameda County to successfully exit homelessness.Learn more >>
Emergency Resources
- Follow emergency announcements by registering for the AC Alert system here
- Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
- Alameda County Public Health Department’s heat and health webpage
- More Heat Emergency Resources
Health Care for the Homeless
Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless (ACHCH) is a federally-funded health center program housed in the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, which provides direct care services, and coordinates a network of county and community health clinics and organizations to increase access and improve care for people experiencing homelessness. For more information, including a list of resources for accessing urgent care, primary care, substance use programs, benefits programs and shelter and housing, visit www.achch.org/get-help.
Safe Parking
The Alameda County Safe Parking program in San Leandro, at the Fairmont Campus, offers local community members who are experiencing homelessness with a safe place to park at night and a place to park during the day that isn’t in local neighborhoods, opportunities to engage with resources and services, and a stable community where they can begin to reconnect with their informal support network. To participate in the 24 hour safe parking program participants must register by calling 510-593-4660 or visiting alcosafeparking.com.
Additional Links
- Alameda County Homelessness Response System Written Standards (2023)
- Alameda County Emergency Shelter Standards (April 2022)
- Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department
- Alameda County Social Services Agency
- Need Rental Assistance? Find out if you’re eligible for emergency rental assistance.