Home Together Plan
On August 4th, 2020, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors approved the “Home Together Plan” to guide the County’s next steps and future investments in addressing homelessness.
The Home Together Plan is informed by a comprehensive needs analysis of the countywide homelessness response system, and months-long collaborative effort with homeless service and housing providers, County agencies and regional organizations. The plan makes recommendations for addressing homelessness in Alameda County through new investments and system improvements.
Read the Home Together Plan here (PDF - 0.4 MB)
2019 Homeless Point-In-Time Count Report
The Point-In-Time Count of individuals and families experiencing homelessness records the number of people staying in shelters and transitional housing on a given night in late January each year and estimates the number of people who are unsheltered, living outdoors on that same night every two years.
Homelessness Action Plan 2018-2021
This Three-Year Homelessness Action Plan sets forth a plan for Alameda County to invest $340 million between 2018 and 2021 toward addressing homelessness. The new initiatives detailed in the Plan focus on County services and infrastructure and include $90 million in one-time funding, which will result in over 3,000 individuals/households obtaining or maintaining housing over the next three years.
Unincorporated Alameda County Homelessness Action Plan 2018-21
The Unincorporated Alameda County Homelessness Action Plan builds upon the Homelessness Action Plan and focuses on reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness in the Unincorporated Area, meeting the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness and linking them to additional services and resources, and improving the effectiveness and coordination of services. This Plan details an over $10.5 million investment of existing and one-time funds for specific homelessness programs in the Unincorporated Area.
Final Report and Recommendations on Homelessness - 2018
This report presents the findings from Urban Institute's analysis of homelessness in Alameda County. The methods included analysis of publicly available data and reports, surveys of city employees and local service providers, and interviews with County agency staff. The report summarizes recent trends in homelessness in Alameda County and the causes of the increase in unsheltered homelessness.
- Online Report
- Download Report (PDF)
Homelessness Task Force Report - 2018
This report provides practical tools for cities and counties in California to use in addressing homelessness in their communities. It offers details on how to create a homelessness plan, identify resources and funding for homelessness and build support in communities to address homelessness.- Download Report (PDF)
Overview of Homeless in Alameda County - 2016
This press kit, prepared in June 2016, provides statistics and anecdotes that describe the state of homelessness in Alameda County. The report also addresses causes of homelessness and the County's approach to reducing homelessness. Direct service programs are listed as well as policy and structural initiatives such as coordinated entry, prioritized access to permanent supportive housing, and a proposed housing bond ballot measure.- Download Report (PDF)