Office of Homeless Care and Coordination



  • On Tuesday, September 19th, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors Declared a State of Emergency on Homelessness in Alameda County. Find more information about the homeless crisis and what this state of emergency means click here and to view the Resolution click here.
  • Learn more about the rising cost of housing in Alameda County, and a proposed regional bond measure to invest in affordable housing.  

Additional Links

  • Directory of nonprofit groups serving people experiencing homelessness that are seeking donations or volunteer help.

  • CityServe of the Tri-Valley has a wish list of items that are critically needed for homeless outreach teams and for residents experiencing homelessness.

  • Do you have an Alameda County housing unit to lease?

    We are seeking property owners/housing providers — like you — who can help local residents who need a home. Program benefits include:

    • Guaranteed on-time monthly payments from a nonprofit organization
    • Financial incentives
    • Support to help property owners with any tenant issues and resident support services available for tenants

    For more information, contact us today! | 510-777-2100

More OHCC News...

The Office of Homeless Care and Coordination (OHCC) works to build a robust, integrated, and coordinated system for housing and homelessness services and acts as the County’s point of contact on homelessness strategic planning and program development. OHCC works to improve health and housing outcomes among people experiencing homelessness, working within HCSA and with other County agencies and departments, cities, community-based organizations, and other partners. OHCC oversees Coordinated Entry and Housing Services for the County’s homelessness response system. Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), which sits in OHCC, is a federally-designated health center program offering medical, mental health, dental, optometry, pharmacy, and case management services that are directly provided by staff, and through contracted provider organizations including Alameda Health System and other Federally Qualified Health Centers.

If you are looking for housing or services, please call 2-1-1